Details: 1x VIP Car Ticket enables you to view and explore our VIP vehicle lineup but does not cover any costs associated with acquiring a vehicle. Purchases must be made using in-game currency.
Vehicle List: For a detailed list of vehicles available through this ticket, please refer to the following document: VIP Vehicle List
This will give you 1x permit to install VIP custom car radio.
Useable one time only.
Details: 3x VIP Car Tickets enables you to view and explore our VIP vehicle lineup but does not cover any costs associated with acquiring a vehicle. Purchases must be made using in-game currency.
Vehicle List: For a detailed list of vehicles available through this ticket, please refer to the following document: VIP Vehicle List
1x VIP House Ticket
VIP House Tickets are used to purchase VIP houses. VIP Houses still cost ingame currency.
Grants VIP Clothing to all of your characters for the duration of one month.
This product does not have a description.
This product does not have a description.
25$ Lucid City gift card.
$40 Lucid City gift card
$60 Lucid City gift card.
Spice it up a notch with a luxurious apartment upgrade.
- 1 of 5 Custom Designed - Already furnished interiors
- Door bell - So you can accept friends to come into the apartment (Keys will not be provided for friends)
- Ability to change outfits in your apartment
- Move from pillbox to the Mile High Club
- Use of the Mile High clubs gym and spa (spa helps reduce stress)
- There is a weekly charge for the apartment in game. If you have questions I would head down to the Mile High club to check out the apartment costs!
Change your current phone number with custom one. All of your contacts, messages, calls & etc will be changed to support new number.
Once purchased:
Head to the city hall in game and redeem your custom phone number.
Phone numbers must be at minimum of 4 characters
• A ped that only YOU can use!
• This is not a custom ped, this is a GTA 5 ped that you can lock and use yourself only!
• To check all the existing peds check: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/ped-models/ (You may only choose a human. No animals.)
• Always open a shop ticket to double check if the ped you want to lock is available.
• If you are not sure what is included, open a shop Discord ticket before subscribing!
This will give you 1x permit to change your nameplate to anything up to 8 characters. (Provided it's not already in use by someone else)
Useable one time only.
This will give you 3x permit to change your nameplates to anything up to 8 characters. (Provided it's not already in use by someone else)
Purchasing this package will grant you access to every new and custom usable animation. This is a one-time purchase and you will be receiving every new animation added to the server for free going forward.
Grants one of your characters access to pets for 1 month.